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Career Foundations (GRI-101)

This four-part course begins with a module on business planning for your real estate practice. Develop a real-world budget and identify actions you must take to net your target income. Allso learn to maximize your money-earning time to reach sales and financial targets, and to track and manage prospects.

Embracing diversity is good business practice, does the rigtht thing and builds bridges, not barriers. Part II identifies the changing demographics by identifying the changing demographics in American society.

Part III covers working with sellers and marketing their properties. Learn how to choose a primary market area, network marketing and directing advertising to a specific market.

Part IV focuses on buyers ... Identify underserved buyer markets and how to help them make appropriate and acceptable offers. The segment also covers what to do after closing to secure new business in the future.

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budget form
before class!

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Specific topics covered by this seminar include:

Part I - Business Planning

Goal Setting and Financial Planning
Time Management, including Prioritizing and Activity Logging
Systems for Tracking and Managing Prospects

Part II - Listings

How to Choose Your Primary and Secondary Markets
Short Term and Long Term Prospecting for Clients
Working with Foreclosures, Expired Listings & FSBOs
How to Conduct a Marketplace Analysis
Paperwork, Servicing the Listing, and Getting to Closing

Part III - Buyers

Underserved Markets Including Boomers, SIngles, Immigrants, and More
Qualifying and Working WIth Buyers, Fee Types & Justication, Responsibilities.
Paperwork including Writing the Offer, Sales Agreement, DIsclosures, etc.
Presenting Offers and Counter Offers
How to Conduct Walk-thrus, Closings and Post-closing Followup