IDW (Instructor Development Workshop)
Marie is codeveloper and a Senior Instructor of the Real Estate Educator
Assn. (REEA) IDW. This is a "must take" seminar for any new
instructor. Even REEA's highly experienced DREIs regularly take
the workshop for a reality check and to bone up on the
latest techniques. The course itself is a showcase
for how to conduct a seminar, featuring everything from room arrangemen,t
to a wide range of teaching methods, to handling problem students.
Specific topics include:
Environment: facilities, room arrangement,
student mix
Methods: lecture, group activies, role plays, etc.
enunciation, clarity, language to avoid, style
attire, body language, enthusiasm, energy level
Students: talkers, clowns, know-it-alls, intoxicated, combative
Students: shy, quiet, sleepy, drifters, hard to understand
Styles, Retention Levels, Use of Humor, Memory Hooks
It Together, Student Feedback, Course Evaluations
CDW (Course Development Workshop)
Marie is the developer and a Senior Instructor
of the REEA's Course Development Workshop. It is designed teach course
developers how to put together a fully integrated, well organized
seminar that is sure to win regulator approval on the first submission.
Specific topics include: